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الثلاثاء، 25 يونيو 2013

Scouts boys.

Scouts aged confined between 10_14 (scouts)
A group of Scouts numbering 24 or more (SSD)
The teacher who oversees the boys mentioned (conductor)
Scouts who heads the band (Sergeant I)
Assistant teacher who oversees the boys mentioned (assistant division commander)
Group boys 6_8 Scout (forefront)
Head of the group mentioned (Vanguard sergeant)
Assistant head of the group mentioned (assistant sergeant vanguard)
The Council, which includes the division commander and his assistant Sergeants and their assistants (Honor Council)
Scouts in first place after the performance of the promise 10_14 years (novice Scout)
Scouts who completed the second rank (second scout)
Scouts who completed the third rank (Scouts first)

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