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الثلاثاء، 25 يونيو 2013

Extinguish the fire and put them out.

After the end of the purpose for which they have set fire to it is our duty to leave the place better than it was

And we extinguished the fire after you're done you can follow the steps below:

1 - Collect all the waste and put it in the hole and cleanse all traces of residual ash.

2 - Pour a sufficient amount of water - Use clean washing water in extinguishing fire

3 - Do not throw some blocks in the grass or on nearby trees - use any stick to break up stones chimney so cool faster

5 - allof water on the rest of the fire again and do not let go only after to make sure they are turned off

4 - bury the ashes remaining (after the fire) in a pit - Reply grass in the hole and bring me back completely and clean the sides and pour out some of the water until the ground becomes as it was

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